Level III


Training summary

Training and skills focused on responding appropriately to national emergencies with lasting detrimental effects on current life-sustaining systems. This level includes, but is not limited to: locating renewable water sources, water treatment, agriculture, sustaining livestock, basic and advanced first-aid, simple medical procedures, life-saving skills, tourniquets, alternative systems including communications, energy, security, and building shelters.

Below is an example of what the Course Schedule will look like:

Day 1- Course Schedule

Friday evening

7:00-7:15 pm:
Welcome /Ground rules

7:15-7:45 pm:
Course Objectives

7:45-8:15 pm:
Overview of Levels 1, 2, and 3

Click for more info

8:30-9:00 pm:
Water-Storage, Containers, Purification

9:00-9:30 pm:
Practical-Water Purification

9:30 pm:

Click for more info

8:15-9:15 am:
Food – Preparation, Storage

9:15-10:15 am:
Practical- Food Saver, Fire Starting, Portable Stoves, Fuels

Day 2- Course Schedule


7:30 am:

8:00 am:
Overview for the day

Click for more info

10:15-11:15 am:
Health (Physical) – Exposure, Dehydration, Hygiene, Pharmaceuticals, First Aid

11:15-12:30 pm:
Practical- Tourniquets, First Aid, CPR

12:30-1:00 pm:

1:00-2:00 pm:
Health (Psychological) – Fight or Flight Response, Fear, Anxiety

Click for more info

1:30-2:30 pm:
Communications- Networking, Modes of Communication

2:30-3:15 pm:
Practical- Amateur Radios, Flags

3:15-4:30 pm:
Defensive Strategies and Tactics- Home Defense, Close Quarters Defense

4:30-5:30 pm:
Practical- Close Quarters Defense

5:30-6:30 pm:
Weapons, basic marksmanship, limited shooting with simunitions (training rounds)

6:30-7:00 pm:
Question and answer

7:00 pm:
Dinner/Social time

Day 3 – Course Schedule


7:30-8:00 am:

8:00-9:00 am:
Bringing it all together

“Should I stay or should I go?”

9:00-10:00 am:
Move out “Go Bags”

10:00-11:00 am:
Stay Home -Shelter in place

11:00-12:00 pm:
Maps / Navigation

12:00-12:30 pm:

More Info

Level III: Resources

Resources include obtaining clean water, growing food, raising livestock, fishing, trapping, long-term food storage, alternative fuels.

In Level III we will teach you how to live off the grid and become self-reliant in regards to consumables and water sources.

Level III: Health

Health covers alternative first aid supplies, sanitation, and hygiene, possible psychological ramifications.

In Level III health we will cover both basic and advanced first aid, medical procedures, CPR, life saving measures, splints, tourniquets, sanitation, and hygiene.

Level III: Security

Security reviews all radios and highlights HF radio transceivers using NVIS.

In Level III security you will learn about

Lodging Options:

Huntingfield Farm

Bed & Breakfast

Training venue and optional lodging for Virginia Courses

click for more information or reservations

The Farmhouse


The Hills


The Farm
